The StormGain contest is now open
The StormGain Coin Contest with 100 000 USDT prize starts on Friday, 13 March 2020
It takes less than a minute to enter and sign up for one of the biggest crypto tournaments. All the participants have to keep in mind that their demo account balance will be automatically restored to USDT 50,000 at the start of the tournament. The rules are simple: get the best results out of all contestants using your demo account.
To take part just follow the steps below:
1. Register to join the contest and get a Demo Account of 50,000 USDT. Users can register in the tournament at any time – even after it has already started.
2. Click Here and just fill in the relevant registration form.
3. Trade! The aim of the game is simple: make trades during the tournament period and finish ahead of the competition! By the end of the tournament, 500 players with the top trading results will qualify as winners. Only deals opened/closed during the tournament will be counted.
*The tournament starts on the Friday 13 March and lasts until Thursday 09 April.